Happy Retirement

Retirement can be the most enjoyable time of your life. Now you are forever through with the struggle of the daily grind, the dog-eat-dog cut-throat competition, the pressure of beating the inevitable deadlines. Yes, you can now say good bye to life’s maddening rat race.

Instead of hurriedly gulping down your coffee and pancakes and running at breakneck speed to catch the bus to work, now you can eat your breakfast leisurely, slowly masticating and re-masticating your food 34 times before swallowing it. You can even dine while glancing at the newspaper or listening to the morning newscast. Remember how you used to bump your wife and kiss the door goodbye before? Now that you are retired, the almighty clock does not rule your life anymore

You need not always have to dress formally now and strangle your esophagus with an elongated piece of cloth. You may now put on your most comfortable casual wear as you engage in whatever activity appeals most to you. You may trim your roses or spray your orchids if you are interested in floriculture, or you may smoke the bugs out of the fruit trees in your orchard.

No more long tedious conferences at the office or backbreaking work at the factory for you. Now you may go window shopping once in awhile or engage in your favorite hobby. You may spend the long, lazy, rainy afternoons looking through your volumes of albums, reminiscing on the many sweet and bitter memories of bygone days.

You need not worry about feasibility studies, balancing the company’s budget, or any of the stuff which usually kill many young businessmen prematurely. Now, you can hold an organ recital. And how about finances? Well, if you have worked hard during your active years, the struggle for existence is happily behind you now. Your well deserved pension can take care of your simple needs.

Things you have long wanted to do – but never had the time to do them while you were still gain-full employed- you can do most, if not all, of them now. The book you have been dreaming of writing. Traveling to parts unknown to satisfy your wanderlust. Launching a new business. Learning to play that musical instrument. And who knows, what else? You can now do all these, and more, if you desire.

Retirement a traumatic episode at the end of life because of feelings of uselessness, loneliness, physical illness, identity crisis? No, it is the period of the radiant afterglow. It is the most joyful time in your career, the climax before the resolution of the grand finale of life comes. Happy Retirement!